10 HIM posted at the Blast Furnace during a calm 24 degree morning to celebrate Startup’s Birthday on his 46th journey around the earth. With a 2-ALARMS test of endurance looming in front of them, the disclaimer was presented like an airtight closing argument on Law & Order…focusing on the importance of “modifying as needed”. The PAX worked through the heart of the beatdown, spiking their heart rates and wondering when it would stop, while listening to some personal song favorites selected by Startup. With just enough in the tank to see it through, they successfully held the line against gravity in an extended plank hold to Drowning Pool’s Bodies.
Warmup: Mosey to stage area followed by:
- SSHs 15X IC
- Weed Pickers 10X IC
- Imperial Walkers 10X IC
- Arm Circles 10X IC
- Circle Arms 10X IC
- Chinooks 10X IC
- Michael Phelps (briefly OYO to loosen up)
- Squats 10X IC low & slow
- Derricks 10X IC each leg
- Merkins 10X IC
- Stretches: Cobra, Downward Dog, Dial-up (best stretch ever 10 seconds each leg)
The Thang: 2 A-L-A-R-M-S Beatdown
PAX pushed themselves through a 25-minute endurance beatdown oscillating between 2 different sets of ALARMS (Arms – Legs – Abs – ”R” Exercise – ”M” Exercise – Sprint) in an AMSAP fashion (As Many Sets As Possible). ALARM sets were separated by a sprint/run up Reeve’s Park alley behind the stage.
- Carolina Dry Docks – 5 reps OYO
- Bulgarian Split Squats – 10 reps OYO (each leg)
- Little Baby Crunches – 15 reps OYO
- Reverse Plank Tricep Dips – 20 reps OYO
- Mexican (Jumping Bean) Squats – 25 reps OYO
Intermission consisted of a sprint/run up Reeve’s park alley behind the stage (approximately 50 yards) and mosey back to stage area for ALARM #2.
- Burpees – 5 reps OYO
- Lunges – 10 reps OYO (each leg)
- Windshield Wipers – 15 reps OYO
- Ranger Merkins – 20 reps OYO
- Mountain Climbers – 25 reps OYO
Second set finished with a sprint/run up Reeve’s park alley and a mosey back to stage area to repeat ALARM #1.
2 ALARMS were continuously repeated for 25 minutes to achieve as many sets as possible (with 6 sets being reached by the end). PAX pushed themselves hard, as was apparent by the silence and limited mumble chatter.
During a brief recovery break, the PAX were challenged with a trivia question to help determine the final direction of the beatdown. The question, which focused on the identification of Startup’s middle name, was successfully answered by the group (learning he has no middle name). As a prize, all 10 HIM were treated to a final Burn-Down session.
Burn-Down: Bodies Hit The Floor (completed to Drowning Pool’s song Bodies)
PAX held a plank during the entirety of the tune (3:21) while incorporating several variations during key parts of the song.
- When 1,2,3,4 is sung, Merkins are completed to the beat of the counts (21 total).
- When the chorus “Let the bodies hit the floor” comes in, the group performed Dive Bombers (aka: Swoosh Merkins) continuously.
COT: Along with praises & prayers for families, Startup shared a brief reflection on F3’s Mission Statement targeting the word “invigoration” and noting it starts and sustains with a focal step of action… the step to get out of bed… the step to push ourselves one more rep.